Wednesday 10 August 2022

Concerns about increased traffic volumes on Hesleden Road

Residents report concerns about unsuitable traffic using Hesleden Road

I've been contacted today by residents concerned about an increase in traffic volumes on Hesleden Road in Blackhall Colliery. There is particular concern expressed about speeding vehicles at this location, alongside reports that wagons using the road may be exceeding the 18t vehicle weight restrictions in place.

Firstly, it would appear that the recent increase in vehicles is linked to drivers using Hesleden Road as an alternative route to avoid the temporary traffic lights in place at the entrance to the housing estate currently under construction on the nearby B1281. This has happened on a few occasions over the past year or so when traffic lights have been installed to facilitate roadworks on the B1281.

As a related issue I'm also aware of concerns about the new road layout at the entrance to the housing development on the B1281 and I was advised earlier this year that a Stage 3 Road Traffic Assessment would be carried out when the development is almost completed. The purpose of the assessment will be to gauge the impact of any additional traffic associated with the new estate, and also guide the authorities and developers in installing any necessary road safety measures. I published full details of this specific issue earlier this year:

As for the reports of increased traffic volumes and potential breaches of vehicle weight restrictions I've contacted the council's highways adoption engineer to ask which measures might be available to address the issues raised today by residents on Hesleden Road. 

I’ll update on progress with this matter as soon as I have more information from highways engineers.