Thursday 18 August 2022

Company to appeal against Sheraton Solar Farm planning decision

Regular readers of these pages will be aware that in December last year Durham County Council's planning committee refused planning permission for a company to install a solar farm on land just off the A19 at Sheraton. 

The decision by members of the committee followed a hard-fought campaign by local residents, alongside me and Stacey as the two local county councillors, that reflected the opinion of almost the entire local community. Whilst there’s a loose consensus that solar generated power is sustainable when developed in the correct context, most would agree that any infrastructure must not be installed in close proximity to settled communities, adjacent to major road networks or on ‘high-value’ land that could otherwise be put to use for local benefit - such as food production. 

A summary of the campaign and the outcome of the planning committee meeting was published on Tuesday 14 December 2021

However, I’ve received notification this afternoon from the planning department that the company seeking permission for the solar farm has decided to appeal against the planning committee's decision and has asked the government's planning inspector to hold a public inquiry. 

I have circulated details of the appeal to the residents of Sheraton with a view to submitting any additional individual or collective representations if necessary. This part of the process lasts for five weeks from the appeal start date which is listed as 17 August. 

I will update on progress as and when there are any significant developments in advance of the public inquiry.