Saturday 4 June 2022

Monthly street walkabouts to be brought back

Following an informal walk around the streets earlier this morning I’ve contacted the local authority with a request that the council’s Clean & Green team pay increased attention to the streets in and around Middle Street - particularly the back streets either side and also the back lanes between First and Eleventh Street.

I’ve also contacted the council’s community protection team this morning with a suggestion that we reinstate the more formally structured street walkabouts that were suspended during the pandemic.

These walkabouts take place either monthly or quarterly as demand requires, and they consist of me and Stacey as the local county councillors, the clerk of the parish council, DCC’s clean and green team, police, street wardens, environmental health and community protection team, pest control officers and representatives from the council’s private sector housing section - along with anyone else who might be able to help with a particular issue.

I’ve suggested that walkabouts initially focus on the issues raised above and also on the works carried out as part of the Community Action Team initiative last year. I’ve also suggested that they could feed into and react to the council’s forthcoming Targeted Delivery Plan and Towns & Villages initiatives scheduled to begin later this year.

I’ll update on progress in due course, but in the meantime if you have anything you want me to know about please get in touch at: