Wednesday 1 June 2022

Progress with the vermin issue in Fourth Street

Following my regular updates over the past few days on the problems with a vermin infestation at a privately-owned and rented property in **Fourth Street I have now received another update on progress.

At long last it looks as though things might be moving in the right direction after the landlord of the property at the centre of the problem agreed earlier this week to carry out the required works to rid the property of the infestation. 

This is the update I’ve received this afternoon from the pest control officer at county hall:

I have contacted the owners of **, ** and ** to make them aware of the issue and to ask them to take the required action.  The owner of ** & ** has indicated he would get onto it, so fingers crossed on that one (this is a reference to the main problem property in Fourth Street).  

I only have an email address for the owner of no. ** at the moment as the previous managing agent claims they are no longer involved with the property so I have sent a message; however, I haven’t heard anything back yet.

If the above doesn’t produce the required results, we’ll go down the enforcement route for the pest related issues once my enforcement team get to that investigation.

As you’ll see from this and previous update reports there are a number of additional properties in the immediate vicinity that may well be contributing to this problem so the owners have been contacted by the authorities to remind them of their responsibilities in maintaining their properties to an acceptable standard - and this includes keeping the back yards clear of rubbish and secure against trespass.

Although recent developments look promising I’ll continue to press the relevant authorities to liaise with the landlord/property owners until the issue is cleared up for good. I’ll update on progress as soon as I have more information from the authorities.

**Please see the most recent reports from this blog for background details:

Sunday 29 May 2022:

Monday 30 May 2022: