Thursday 9 June 2022

Damaged pathway at Blackhall Rocks

A couple of years ago I asked for the overgrowth covering the pathway running between the railway bridge at the bottom of Station Road and the picnic area at Blackhall Rocks to be cut back. 

Residents and visitors to the coast had reported that the pathway was obstructed by weeds and grass growing from the sides, and was actually concealed in many parts leaving it unusable. Please see article dated for details:

I visited the area earlier this morning as part of my regular rounds to check how the pathway had been maintained since then and I found that although the overgrowth had been cut back at regular intervals as requested the pathway itself had become badly worn and quite dangerous in several parts. 

Consequently I’ve asked the highways and the clean and green teams to inspect the entire pathway to gauge the extent of damage and then carry out repairs where necessary. I’ll update on progress as soon as I have a response from the services involved.