Wednesday 18 May 2022

Update on traffic issues in Castle Eden

Following concerns I raised with the council about speeding vehicles and road safety issues on the B1281/A181 in Castle Eden I have now received a response from the highways authority. Background details at:

Please see below the response in full:

Good Afternoon Councillor Crute,

I will be able to provide a comparison within the speed table to see whether or not the speed of vehicles has increased or decreased. The primary figure I will be looking at once I have the raw survey data is the volume of vehicles travelling above the enforcement threshold (speed limit + 10% + 2mph). Once this data is processed, I will be able to provide the tables to my contact within Durham Constabulary who deals with our mobile enforcement within the borough to review. If the percentage of vehicles travelling over the enforcement threshold is 15% or greater then the request will be reviewed in further detail by the Police with the likelihood being that the mobile enforcement vehicle will visit the site to target offending vehicles.

Regarding your request for a consultation exercise to be conducted, this is not something we would look to do at this stage as the speed and volume data will provide enough of an understanding of traffic movements and speeds. I believe at this stage conducting any form of consultation exercise will likely raise consultees' expectations and may confuse matters further.

Whilst I can appreciate your comments regarding the requirement to make all roads within Durham County as safe as feasibly possible, we are required to direct the limited resources we have available to other areas within the borough that have a higher frequency and severity of collisions. These areas are monitored and reviewed proactively by the Accident Investigation and Prevention (AIP) team regularly. Concerning your questions about whether the Police are aware of the collisions, I can confirm that the data which we use is provided to us by the Police and we are not aware of any intention from themselves to implement or pursue any measures.

Kind Regards,