Monday 9 May 2022

Traffic issues at Castle Eden

Regular readers of these pages will be aware that for some time I’ve been reporting traffic-related issues at Castle Eden to the council and its partners.

This follows concerns expressed frequently by residents, motorists and business owners alike about an increased risk of accidents caused by vehicles speeding along the A181 between the war memorial and the A19, and also by dangerous driving practices at the ‘on and off’ slip-roads at the A19 Wellfield interchange nearby.

Unfortunately, despite my constant and repeated approaches to the authorities, no visible progress has been made during that time. To make matters worse, this is not a problem in isolation. I have made repeated representations to the council over the past few months about risks associated with a revised road layout adjacent to a housing development on the B1281 in Blackhall Colliery, yet to date I’ve received no meaningful response from the service.

Following additional complaints over the weekend about traffic on the A181 at Castle Eden I’ve contacted the traffic assets and highways sections at county hall to request an update on proposals to address these issues. 

Residents are understandably exasperated at the lack of a meaningful response from the authorities - and are they understandably concerned that at some point in the near future there will be a serious incident if their concerns about speeding vehicles and dangerous driving practices at these locations are not addressed.

I will update on progress as soon as I have a response from the authorities on either the Castle Eden or Blackhall Colliery issue.