Wednesday 23 February 2022

Request for repairs to Crimdon footpath

A few years ago I received complaints from residents and visitors that a footpath alongside the A1086 Coast Road at Crimdon had been damaged by water flowing from the bank side.

Following remedial works I reported last year that the flooding issue had been addressed. However I’m told now by residents that the footpath itself, which links the northbound bus shelter with Evergreen Park, was damaged from the standing water and that its condition has deteriorated during the recent storms. 

I’ve issued a request to the council’s highways department for the footpath to be inspected and for repairs to be carried out as required (CRM Reference: FS 4030 6989). I’ll update on progress as soon as I have further information from the highways inspectors.

Background details to this issue can be found in an article published on this site in March last year: