Tuesday 2 November 2021

Footpaths, fences and trees at Castle Eden

I was contacted recently by residents concerned about the poor condition of the footpaths along the B1281 between Hesleden and Castle Eden. They also reported obstructions caused by overgrown trees and hedges encroaching onto the public paths and roads.

I raised residents' concerns with highways officers at county hall and I have now received confirmation that the vegetation is to be cut back, with the owners of adjacent land to be contacted with a request that they maintain the trees and hedges on their land where they are causing an obstruction to pedestrians. It has also been confirmed that any necessary fence repairs will be carried out soon.

Although an additional inspection revealed no immediately actionable defects the footpaths at this location will be added to the works programme and repairs will be carried out in line with the council's policy on footpath and highways. It was noted however, that all actionable safety defects had already been carried out earlier this year following a footpath inspection held on 24 March.

Good afternoon Cllr Crute,

I can confirm the Highway Inspector has arranged with the Councils Clean and Green Department to cut back the overgrown highway vegetation.

We will write to those landowners whose vegetation is encroaching onto the footpath asking them to trim it back and maintain in the future.

The fence will be repaired as necessary.

I'll monitor progress with these matters and report back on progress in due course.