Tuesday 30 November 2021

Environmental Issues, Blackhall Colliery

Following a walk around the streets in Blackhall Colliery earlier this morning I’ve reported the following issues to the council for their attention. I’ve included the CRM Reference number in brackets. 

Please forward any additional concerns or issues to me direct at: rob.crute@durham.gov.uk

Debris outside the shops on Middle Street: this matter was reported at the weekend following Friday night’s storms but the area has been only partly cleared (FS 3820 62426):

Littering behind Middle Street, at the top of First, Second and Third Streets: this includes bins left out in the street at a number of locations (FS 3820 62902):

Slippery footpath on the B1281: fallen leaves are causing an obstruction and creating a dangerous surface when wet. This relates to the stretch of footpath along the B1281 from Orchid Court, down towards the A1086 junction at St Joseph’s church (FS 3820 63516):