Friday 24 September 2021

Ward Surgeries resume at Blackhall Library

It was great to get our monthly ward surgeries back on track this morning, with the first session taking place at Blackhall Library since social restrictions were introduced to limit the transmission of Covid-19.

Carol and Rob at Blackhall Library

We've always valued our local ward surgeries as one of the main ways for us to maintain direct, face-to-face links with our residents, so it was particularly disappointing to have to suspend them during lockdown. Although many people these days contact us by telephone, email and social media there are still quite a few who prefer to meet us in person to tell us about their issues - so we know they've missed our surgeries too.

In between visitors coming in and out of the library all morning I took the opportunity to talk through a few ideas with our wonderful library manager Carol Close. As ever Carol was full of exciting ideas for our library and the community as a whole, so we'll be meeting up at the library again soon with officers from the East Durham Area Action Partnership to look at these plans in more detail and then get them off the ground - so watch this space for updates!

In the meantime if there are any issues you would like us to know about - and you can't get along to one of our surgeries - you can get in touch with us direct at: or