Monday 20 September 2021

A busier than usual Monday morning

Perhaps it’s no surprise that Monday mornings are often the busiest times of the week given the events of the previous weekend. For some reason though this Monday morning has been busier than usual, with reports ranging from general littering incidents to missing bins and even an upturned bench.

Rather than plaster Facebook with a series of incidents I’ve decided to list this morning’s report in one post:

The litter bin outside the library at the bottom of Hesleden Road has been reported for replacement (FS 3642 65216

Paint spilt across the road at the top of Fifth Street has been re-reported to the council for removal. This incident was first reported some time ago, just after the paint appeared in July, but the attempt at removal has been unsuccessful (FS 3642 65450

The regular littering along Middle Street, both front and back, has been reported for clearance (FS 3642 64572) and the box filled with rubbish and abandoned at the pit wheel has also been reported for removal (FS 3642 64845)

Fly-tipping and abandoned bins at the top of First Street, directly behind Airlie House have been reported for removal (FS 3642 65956)

As reported on social media last night the upturned bench on the Black Path has been reported to the parish council to be repositioned 

Finally, unsightly and potentially dangerous guttering and the generally untidy appearance of the empty property on Fourth Street has been reported again to the authorities with a request that the owner/landlord is contacted again with a request to carry out repairs. This has been reported in the past but the landlord appears reluctant to repair the property