Monday 28 June 2021

Environmental Issues in Blackhall Colliery

As regular readers of these pages will know I try to get around the streets every morning, mainly to get a head-start on reporting any environmental issues before the day gets into full swing. 

For some reason the streets today were in a particularly poor condition - even for a Monday morning. The back lanes on either side of Middle Street were littered at almost every street top - with traffic cones and even a supermarket trolley abandoned in the street behind the shops.

As usual all incidents have been reported to the council’s clean and green team for clearance. I have also asked the neighbourhood wardens to follow up on residents’ complaints about a number of back yards that have become filled again with all kinds of rubbish and debris. Hopefully the owners/landlords of the affected properties will react positively as soon as they are contacted with a request for their properties to be kept in a decent condition.