Sunday 30 May 2021

Latest update on the Hardwicke Place housing development

Following initial complaints from residents about disruption caused by the early phase of development on the Hardwicke Place housing site on the B1281 I raised the matter with the council’s planning enforcement and monitoring and compliance teams for their attention. Following previous updates published on social media I’ve received another update from the council’s monitoring and compliance officer:

Just by way of an update, I visited this morning and whilst there was some minor dust to the carriageway it was of an acceptable level and appearance and not causing any issues.

I spoke with Gleeson staff earlier this week and it is a possibility that they will move the Heras fencing a little closer to the carriageway (leaving at least 2 metres between kerb and fencing) to the east of the entrance in order to increase the on site parking. The area will in due course form part of the new roundabout so I do not have an issue with this as it will reduce the amount of possible parking on the main road when the land clearance people move on and the builders begin their development.

I just wished to make you aware in case it commences before I return next week you get enquiries asking why they are moving the fencing.

I will update on progress as soon as I have additional information from the monitoring and compliance team, but in the meantime please get in touch with me or Stacey if you have any issues you would like to raise about this development: or 

For the planning consent report on this development please go to the post published on this site on Saturday 31 October 2020