Tuesday 6 April 2021

Speed survey scheduled for the A1086 Coast Road

Following reports by local residents that vehicles are exceeding the speed limit on the A1086 Coast Road between Blackhall Rocks to Crimdon I asked the council’s highways department and the Durham police traffic management team to consider carrying out a speed survey. In response I received confirmation last week that a 24-hour/7-day speed survey will be carried out soon at that location.

As set out in the email below received from the highways department the results of the survey will identify the extent of the problem and also guide highways engineers on the level of traffic-calming required to address it:

Cllr Crute

I have requested that a new 7 day/24hour speed survey be carried out in the vicinity of Crimdon Terrace on the A1086.

Once we have the survey and had a chance to review the results we can look to see what measures may be able to be implemented, however I can confirm with [the traffic management office at Durham police advice] that we cannot place traffic calming measures on an A classified road as the Department for Transport does not support the use of physical traffic calming measures such as road humps, pinch points, chicanes etc on ‘A’ and ‘B’ class roads, which should remain available to accommodate the free and unrestricted movement of traffic on the road network.

Kind Regards

I'll update on progress as soon as I receive additional information from the highways office.