Thursday 22 April 2021

Repairs scheduled for the A1086 Coast Road to Crimdon promenade link road

Regular readers of these pages will be well aware of the complexities involved in identifying ownership and maintenance responsibilities for the private road linking the A1086 Coast Road with the promenade at Crimdon, and how those complications have delayed repair works to the road and footpaths in the area.

This has long been a priority for many residents and visitors alike, and it’s an issue I’ve been dealing with for some time in the hope of encouraging the landowner(s) to arrange for repair works to be carried out. Please see post dated Tuesday 9 March 2021 for background details:

Thankfully the months of perseverance have finally paid off. I received confirmation earlier this week that highway repair works are scheduled to be carried out within the next two weeks, in plenty of time for the new Coastal Hub opening its doors for the first time later this summer.

In addition, following many queries from residents and visitors alike, I’ve asked Durham Heritage Coast officers to consider how parking facilities at the sea front and other locations nearby might be improved given the expected increase in visitor numbers to Crimdon over the coming months and years. I’ll update on progress in due course. In the meantime this is the response I received last week from the highways section at DCC with regard to improvements to the private link road:

Dear Cllr Crute,


By way of an update regarding Crimdon access road - we met [the landowners] and have agreed the areas that require carriageway patching. 

In addition to the carriageway repairs, we also identified the footway that is a concern and their facilities team have asked for prices from DCC to undertake repair works. We are working on these prices. 

The road repairs are scheduled in the next fortnight and the works will be done on the understanding that the council have no liability or responsibility for repairs or future inspection, but we will assist [the landowners] where we can if requested.