Wednesday 17 March 2021

Housing improvement initiative for Blackhall Colliery

Housing issues, especially those associated with some properties in the private-rented sector, have been at the forefront of a number of initiatives intended to improve our environment and the appearance of our streets.

The amount of articles published over the years on this site reflect the priority that local residents’ have placed on returning the condition of some of the housing stock in our communities back to an acceptable standard and the measures I’ve taken to try and bring that about.

These schemes include the council’s Selective Licensing Scheme which is currently awaiting approval from the Secretary of State for Housing and is intended to regulate homes in the private-rented sector (see post dated Monday 21 September 2020 for background details and other projects aimed at improving the appearance of our streets such as the Community Action Scheme carried out a couple of times over the past few years, most recently last Autumn in Blackhall Colliery (see post dated Wednesday 25 November 2020 for background details).

In addition to the initiatives referred to above Durham County Council’s cabinet today gave the go ahead for the roll-out of its Targeted Delivery Plans (TDPs) which are aimed at tackling a number of issues associated with homes in specific locations. I’m pleased to report that the first tranche of activity will focus on a defined area in Blackhall Colliery. 

The report submitted to cabinet this morning described how TDPs are an essential part of the council’s housing strategy and are focused around an intensive and coordinated programme of activities in towns and villages where they are most needed. As well as identifying new initiatives they also put the council in a stronger position to capitalise on future funding opportunities to support community regeneration efforts.

Full details of the TDP initiative, along with its expected outcomes, can be found in a link to today’s cabinet meeting papers: