Tuesday 16 March 2021

Alleyway clearance at the Scheme Houses

I’ve been contacted quite regularly in the past by residents concerned about the poor condition of the alleyways at the Scheme Houses in Blackhall Colliery. Many alleys had been used as fly-tipping points and some others had been blighted by overgrowth and general litter. In most cases the alleyways had become unsightly and obstructed by debris.

It’s an issue I’ve been trying to resolve for some time, but because of rather complex land ownership issues and mixed responsibility for keeping these locations clear of rubbish it’s something that the council wouldn’t normally deal with. However, because of the risk of additional incidents of fly-tipping and associated problems it became clear that another way of addressing residents’ concerns would have to be found

Having initially approached the council’s neighbourhood wardens and the clean and green team I applied for separate funding for a one-off scheme to clear the alleyways of rubbish and detritus. I’m pleased to report that works began on site yesterday, with an almost instant improvement in the condition of the alleyways.