Friday 12 February 2021

Salt Bin Requests

As usual at this time of year, and perhaps more so after the persistent heavy snow we've had this past week, I've received dozens of requests for salt bins and salt bin refills over the past few days. I've already dealt with all requests received to date (until noon today) but I don't always have sufficient spare time to monitor my social media accounts and I wouldn't want to miss out on any additional requests.

If you need a salt bin where you live, or if you want an existing salt bin refilled, please submit a request on the council's website at: It's quick and easy, and the service will respond to you direct.

Please note that the qualifying criteria for salt bins are quite strict so not all requests will be successful. If your request is refused for some reason please let me know and I'll see if there's an alternative way of providing salt bins in areas of high need before the next winter season starts. You can get in touch with me at: