Wednesday 17 February 2021

Business Recovery Grants

Business Recovery Grants are available to help businesses in County Durham recover from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Full details, including eligibility criteria, can be found below:

Apply for a Durham Business Recovery Grant

The Durham Business Recovery Grant is a £5million fund to help County Durham businesses to recover from the effects of Covid-19. 

Who can apply for a Durham Business Recovery Grant

Eligible businesses are those businesses able to demonstrate that they:

  • have a significant operational base, but less than 250 employees in County Durham
  • were established before 11 March 2020
  • are set up for profit and registered to pay tax on profit (in any format, eg sole trader, limited company)
  • use a business bank account (separating personal and business finance)
  • can demonstrate a significant adverse impact from Covid-19
  • can demonstrate solvency
  • can outline a credible and costed recovery plan
  • can fund their share of the recovery plan

Social enterprises (for example, community interest companies) are eligible provided they meet the above and can demonstrate that they generate 51% or more of their sales from commercial activity (excluding income from donations, grants and contracts not won through a competitive process).

Who cannot apply for a Durham Business Recovery Grant

The following are not eligible to apply for a Durham Business Recovery Grant:

  • registered charities
  • organisations set up to provide:
    • local social welfare and community facilities, for example hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, fire stations, child-minding facilities, sports clubs and societies, parks, public libraries
    • housing rental as part of an investment portfolio
    • public services or activities to supplement public services, for example social housing or school age education. 
  • businesses whose activities may bring the council's name or reputation into disrepute

If you're not eligible, North East Growth Hub's list of finance and funding provides a list of grants available, or see Business Durham Covid-19 business support brochure.

How to apply

Before you apply for a Durham Business Recovery Grant, please read the essential information - Durham Business Recovery Grant - essential information to help you prepare your application. The quality of your application will reflect the decision turnaround time of the application process.

If you need help with your application or you need a paper copy of the application form, please email

Closing date

There is currently no closing date. You can only have one successful application and you should only apply when you are ready to implement your recovery plan.

How to contact us

If you would like to discuss your recovery plan prior to applying, or need support in completing an application, please email