Wednesday 13 January 2021

Solar Farm planning application referred to committee for decision

Last week I published an article containing details of a planning application received by Durham County Council’s planning office to install a solar farm on land at Sheraton (please see posts dated Sunday 1 November 2020 and Monday 4 January 2021 for background details).

Over the past week or so I’ve been contacted by several local residents objecting for a variety of reasons to this proposed development - details of the plans and public comments received to date can be found on the council’s planning portal at: To access all associated documents enter planning code DM/20/03722/FPA into the search bar.

Given the significant amount of correspondence I've received from residents I’ve asked that this planning application be referred to the relevant planning committee for deliberation and decision. The case officer has acceded to my request and the application will be heard at committee in due course.

I will update on developments as and when I am notified, but in the meantime if you wish to submit your comments about this application please register them with the planning office using the link shown above.