Monday 25 January 2021

Signage for Crimdon Beach

I’ve just had an update today from the countryside rangers confirming that advisory signs are to be installed at the main access points to and from Crimdon beach in the hope of deterring people hanging bags full of dog waste on the fence at the approach to the main steps.

This follows complaints I’ve received from members of the public about irresponsible dog owners persistently refusing to dispose of their pet’s waste in the bins provided along the front at Crimdon, and also requests I’ve received for this type of signage as a first step towards addressing this awful practice (please see posts dated Wednesday 30 December 2020 and Monday 18 January 2021 for background details).

This is the message I received from the countryside team:

Hi Rob, after on-site meeting last week we are looking at putting in permanent metal signage at the main access points along the beach. This may take a little time to get the necessary design and agreement with Coastal Heritage but we hope this will be feasible and in place ASAP.

I’ll update on progress as soon as I have more information.