Monday 4 January 2021

Planning application to install a solar farm at Sheraton

Last year I published an article on this site referring to initial proposals to install a solar farm on land at Sheraton (please see post dated Sunday 1 November 2020 for details).

Just before Christmas I received confirmation from the planning office that a formal planning application had been submitted seeking consent to install and operate a solar farm at Sheraton Hall Farm. The application is currently scheduled to be decided by delegated authority, although there is an option for it to be submitted to the planning committee for consideration and decision if there are material planning concerns.

If you have an interest in this application and would like to submit your comments for consideration I would urge you to record them as soon as possible on the DCC planning portal. Please follow the link below for details:

The planning case officer can be contacted by email at: and I can be contacted by email at: