Thursday 28 January 2021

First phase of safety measures at Chicken’s Green completed

A few months ago residents contacted me to express their concerns about motorbikes gaining access onto Chicken’s Green causing damage to the grassed area and also posing a danger to children playing on the field and in the play area nearby (please see posts dated Saturday 19 September 2020 and Monday 30 November 2020 for background details).

In response a site visit with the parish clerk, the clean and green team, community safety officers and members of the community action team was arranged to see what could be done to address public concerns. After considering options, including consultation with residents nearby, the agreed course of action was to install a number of ‘target-hardening’ measures at Chicken’s Green and other locations nearby to prevent access by motorbikes and other vehicles.

I’m pleased to report that the first phase has now been completed with anti-bike gates installed earlier this week at either side of the pathway across Chicken’s Green at the top of Dene Road and at Corry Close (please see image above). 

Additional works are scheduled to take place soon at the bottom of Corry Close, where boulders will be installed to prevent access through the gaps at the fence. The boulders are scheduled for delivery next week although they won’t be installed until the ground dries out sufficiently. 

Security works are also due to be carried out soon at the grassed area at the bottom of First Street and Aspatria Avenue (please see post dated Saturday 7 November 2020 for background details). I’ll update on progress with all these schemes closer to the time.