Monday 2 November 2020

Access to the beach at Crimdon

Following a visit last week to the coast at Blackhall Rocks and Crimdon a friend of the family contacted me on their return concerned about difficulties at a couple of access points to and from the beach at Crimdon. I contacted the project officer from the Durham Heritage Coast Partnership to ask for an update on a query I’d submitted earlier this year about the same issue (please see posts dated Wednesday 28 March 2018 and Tuesday 26 May 2020 for background details).

I received a response this morning confirming that a site visit will be carried out tomorrow by officers from the countryside section:

I have passed this on to an officer in the countryside section and he is going to carry out a site visit tomorrow with an officer from the coastal rangers to see what can be done.  Beach access is DCC land but parts are managed by Clean and Green and some by Countryside. Hopefully we’ll get this sorted as soon as possible.

I’ll report on progress with this query as soon as the site visit is completed and I have an update from officers in the coastal and countryside sections.