Friday 2 October 2020

Update on road defect at Corry Close and Aspatria Avenue

Last weekend a hole opened up in the middle of the road at the bottom of Aspatria Avenue, between First Street and Corry Close. Thankfully the highways emergency team called out immediately and made the area secure.

I’ve been contacted since then by residents asking for an update on progress with repairs so I made enquiries earlier this week with the highways section who have confirmed that a works order has been issued for repairs to be carried out at the earliest opportunity. This is the response I received:

 Dear Cllr Crute

I have been informed that this was attended to by the Out of Hours team last weekend who closed the road due to the defects. A report was then forwarded to Northumbrian Water (NWL) on Monday who have now confirmed they have surveyed the line with no found defect. It is now in the hands of the Highways Superintendent who has arranged for a works order for investigation and repairs. 


I’ll follow this up again on Monday morning and report on developments as soon as I have an update from the highways section. In the meantime please take extra care if you’re in this area.