Monday 26 October 2020

Footpath at Station Road, Blackhall Rocks

Last week I published an article on this site updating on progress with a few outstanding footpath repair and resurfacing queries in our area (please see post dated Tuesday 20 October 2020 for background details). 

In that article I referred to a request I made last week for the footpath between the railway bridge and the picnic area at the bottom of Station Road in Blackhall Rocks to be cut back to allow for people with pushchairs and walking aids to access the coastline without having to walk in the road. The image below shows the footpath last week:

I’ve been back to that location this morning and I’m pleased to say that the clean and green team responded almost immediately to my request and have now cleared the footpath of overgrowth leaving it open again to access. The image below shows the footpath this morning:

Unfortunately the footpath surface is revealed to have become damaged, fairly badly in parts, so I’ve issued a request to the highways section at county hall to carry out an inspection and include any necessary repairs in the next available works programme. 
Until repair or resurfacing works are completed please take care when walking at this location.