Tuesday 11 August 2020

Fence repairs in Blackhall Colliery

Following reports received from residents earlier this year about damage to fences at two locations in Blackhall Colliery I submitted a request for repair or replacement works to be carried out as soon as possible. 

Unfortunately this was at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic which meant that working restrictions were in place and staffing levels were disrupted because of the lockdown response. To compound matters conditions during lockdown also meant that supplies could not be sourced to carry out the repairs and replacements requested.

Thankfully, although the pandemic is still with us, restrictions have been lifted sufficiently to allow for fence repair works to be carried out at both locations. I’m told that the damaged fence at First Street and East Street will be repaired this week by the council’s clean and green team, with the highways section carrying out repairs to the damaged fence at Thornton Terrace as soon as possible.