Tuesday 4 August 2020

Environmental improvement works underway in Blackhall Colliery

I attended the first formal strategy meeting of the county council’s community action team this afternoon. This comes hot on the heels of the initial community engagement period which ended last Friday (please see post dated Tuesday 28 July 2020 for the most recent background information).

The main purpose of today’s meeting was to collate the information gathered from the virtual surgery sessions held over the past few weeks, to identify community priorities from the survey which was carried out at the same time and finally to set the programme for the rest of the scheme which is scheduled to run until October.

To start on a positive note the survey generated a considerable number of responses from local residents, businesses and organisations which demonstrates both a strong public interest in the welfare of our village and a keenness to participate in the council’s environmental improvement scheme. It should be no real surprise that the priorities identified from the survey related to improving the management of a number of private rented sector properties, rubbish accumulations and/or incidents of fly-tipping, both in the street and in the back yards of properties and finally the poor condition of some of the empty properties in the village. Other reported priorities included incidents of anti-social behaviour, dog fouling and littering.

The next phase of the community action scheme has already started this week and will include work programmes and initiatives to address those issues identified above. This will include ongoing public engagement sessions, community walkabouts and weekly reports to keep residents up to date with developments.

During the strategy session held this afternoon I again raised the pressing issue of fly-tipping and rubbish accumulated in rear yards, especially in those locations I’ve been dealing with lately. I’m aware that one of the properties reported recently has now been cleared of debris and that formal measures have already been initiated in relation to others. 

Although it might appear that progress to date has been slow in tackling the poor condition of some of the back yards in a number of identified properties (especially in Third, Fourth and Fifth Streets) the council is obliged to work within a legal framework and this is now well underway. If you require information on any specific aspect of the community action scheme please contact the team at: CommunityActionTeam@durham.gov.uk or go to http://www.durham.gov.uk/cat for full contact details.