Thursday 20 August 2020

Crimdon Hub Update

I’ve been contacted recently by someone asking for an update on the proposed Coastal Hub at Crimdon. Over recent months I've published several updates on progress, including an article three months ago about the planning process and how the planning application had been submitted to the council for determination (please see post dated Monday 4 May 2020 for details).

Obviously this was in the middle of the current Covid-19 pandemic, and working restrictions imposed during the lockdown period have had an unavoidable impact on progress. However, now that the planning application has been approved the whole package is scheduled to be put before the council’s cabinet next month for final approval. Following that stage project officers are confident that work will begin on site in the autumn. This of course will be dependent on prevailing circumstances regarding the global Covid-19 pandemic.

I'll continue to publish updates as and when I receive them, but in the meantime I'd like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding, especially during the unavoidable delays caused by the current pandemic.