Saturday 29 August 2020

Community Action Team environmental programme update

I have received an update from the council’s Community Action Team on mid-point progress with their ongoing environmental improvement scheme in Blackhall Colliery.

We are now almost half way through our action weeks and the project is progressing well.


  • We are continuing to work on over 150 pieces of casework identified through our walkabouts and raised by residents. 25 legal Notices have now been served.


  • Next week we will be holding two online resident surgeries on Tuesday 1 September from 10.30am until 11.30am and from 5.00pm until 6.00pm. Our Social Media teams are planning to put out social media posts on Monday with direct links to the sessions. Please do ‘share’ and ‘like’ on your social media pages.


  • We’ve carried out a survey for missing gas covers. 32 properties have been identified and we are writing to the property owners advising them to reinstate these.  Gas keys are also available at the Parish council for residents to pick up.


  • 15 properties have been identified as having recurring issues over the past 2 years.  We have had a detailed look at these properties and will be working with the landlords to address all current issues.


  • We are arranging a multi-agency meeting to take forward various issues which have been raised at Third Street.


  • We have arranged a small socially distanced walkabout to look at the issue of bins being left out in the rear lanes of Fifth to Eleventh Street.  The Wardens have already carried out a letter drop about bins being left out to First and Third Street at the start of this project.


  • We have agreed to carry out a small consultation for residents in First Street, Aspatria Avenue and Corry Close to see if they would be in favour of replacing the broken fence at Chicken’s Green (down from Corry Close) with boulders.


  • The Parish Council has a group of volunteers who would like to take part in litter picks from September