Friday 31 July 2020

Street Name Plate Requests

Following requests from residents I’ve asked that street name plates are replaced or installed at a number of locations at the Scheme Houses in Blackhall Colliery. 

Some existing name plates have been damaged, some have been accidentally removed and others have never been in place and this has caused considerable confusion for visitors and delivery drivers alike.

The requests I’ve submitted are for the following locations (CRM references included):
  • At Kipling Avenue odd numbers, two locations (FS 2336 49039 & FS 2336 51761) 
  • At Milton Avenue, odd numbers (FS 2336 50092)
  • At Tennyson Avenue, even numbers (FS 2336 50851)
Please note that street name plate requests can often take a considerable time to process so although they’ve been ordered on the system today it may be a quite few weeks before they’re installed.