Wednesday 29 July 2020

Fencing repairs confirmed for Welfare Crescent

Earlier this year, following concerns expressed by residents, I asked the council if they could repair or replace the damaged and unsightly fencing around the grassed area in the middle of Welfare Crescent.

Repair schemes such as this have been unavoidably delayed due to physical working restrictions imposed during the Covid-19 pandemic and this has led to a significant backlog of repair works throughout the county. This has been exacerbated by difficulties in procuring supplies due to disruption caused during the pandemic.

However it has been confirmed this morning by the council’s clean and green team that the fencing scheme at Welfare Crescent has been added to the current work programme with repairs scheduled to be carried out as soon as progress is made on the backlog and when replacement supplies have been secured.

**Please note** Similar fencing repair requests at East Street and at Thornton Terrace have also been delayed for the reasons outlined above. However, the service has confirmed that repairs will be carried out at these locations as soon as supplies have been secured.