Sunday 19 July 2020

Damaged chicane signs at High Hesleden

Residents in High Hesleden have contacted me over the weekend to report that the chevron signage on the chicane at the west side of the village has been damaged again. This is the third time the same chicane has been damaged since it was installed, with speeding vehicles and careless driving reportedly the causes for both previous collisions (please see post dated Wednesday 6 April 2016 for details of the most recent incident). 

I’ve contacted the county council’s highways section with a request that the signage be repaired or replaced as soon as possible, although from past experience this can take some time. In the meantime I’ve also asked for the hedges on the approach to the village to be cut back to make sure that the advisory sign is fully visible. Although the sign at this location is illuminated it appears to be partially obscured by overgrown branches.

The police have also been alerted and I’ll be making enquires to see if it’s possible to find out precisely when this latest incident occurred and what the road and weather conditions were like at the time. This information will be used to determine which measures, if any, might be taken to reduce the risk of a further incident at this location.