Thursday 11 June 2020

Environmental Issues at Crimdon Dene

Yesterday Durham County Council announced that following overwhelming support from members of the public it would now extend its Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) arrangements for a further three years to 2023 (please see post dated Wednesday 10 June 2020 for full details of how the PSPO will affect our area).

Within half an hour of the council publishing its PSPO press release on social media I had received queries from both residents and visitors to Crimdon expressing their concerns about  a number of environmental issues at Crimdon, ranging from general littering to horse and dog related problems, mainly through the Dene area. The concerns raised yesterday were in addition to similar environment-related matters in Crimdon that I dealt with last month (please see post dated Tuesday 28 May 2020 for background details).

The additional queries I received yesterday were recorded on the council's CRM system (reference number: FS 2161 78554) for the attention of the relevant services and I received this response from the wardens this morning:

Due to social distancing restrictions wardens are not carrying out any face to face enforcement at the moment. I will keep the case open to be actioned when government guidelines allow. Any clean up requests will still be actioned by C and G.

As you'll note the wardens are currently working under restrictions imposed by lockdown legislation so this matter will be kept open to be addressed when the government changes its guidelines. Meanwhile the Clean and Green team will continue to respond to reports of littering and other environment-related matters.

I'll update on progress with these matters when I have further information from the service.