Tuesday 26 May 2020

Environmental issues at Crimdon, Hesleden and Blackhall Rocks

I've received a significant amount of comments and queries over the past few days regarding a number of environment-related issues in our area. Rather than report on them individually I've listed them all together in one article.

I've listed them by location and I'll update on progress with each issue when I have a response from the agencies and authorities responsible:

Blackhall Rocks:

  • The damaged and dangerous pavements between Blackhall Rocks and Crimdon (A1086) and Blackhall Rocks and High Hesleden (Mickle Hill Road) have been reported again to the council with a request for an update on repair timescales. Both of these incidents have been reported in the past but I need an indication of when repairs are scheduled to be carried out
  • The two overfilled bins at the Blackhall Rocks picnic area and at the top of the steps leading to the beach have been reported. I understand that one has already been emptied but there are access issues to the bin at the steps. I'm advised that this will be sorted out soon
  • The litter accumulated at the kissing gate at the side of the pathway between Blackhall Rocks and Blue House Gill has also been reported to the countryside rangers for removal

Hesleden and High Hesleden:

  • Residents have reported a number of off-road bikes riding through Hesleden Dene and also along the Haswell to Hart walkway as it passes through Hesleden. I have also received reports of dog dirt along the walkway. These incidents have been reported to the countryside rangers and to Peterlee police for their attention
  • Concerns have been expressed about the condition of the pond and the seating area adjacent to the Haswell to Hart walkway at the bottom of East Terrace. I have asked the council's environmental design team to consider which options may be available to address residents' concerns *UPDATE article: Thursday 4 June 2020
  • Walkers have reported the damaged pavement along Mickle Hill Road between Hesleden and High Hesleden. This query has been reported to the highways section for inspection


  • I received reports over the weekend of filled dog bags hanging on the fence at the bottom of the steps leading from the car park along the front at Crimdon. I've asked for the area to be cleared and I've also issued a request for a dog/litter bin to be installed at this location if possible. I have also asked the council to consider installing additional bins at other locations
  • Residents and visitors alike have reported the poor condition of the walkway through Crimdon Dene. This is an issue that has been raised on a number of occasions in the past. I have asked the council for an update on a request I submitted for this matter to be addressed (please see post dated Thursday 27 February 2020 for further details)
  • I have also received a report about the poor condition of the surface of the road linking the A1086 Coast Road and the front at Crimdon, especially as it runs beneath the viaduct. The council's GIS system indicates that this road is privately owned and maintained so I've asked for the repairs request to be passed to the relevant section for further investigation.