Saturday 14 March 2020

Parking at Hesleden Primary School

We were contacted earlier this week by parents and residents concerned about inconsiderate and potentially dangerous parking in the streets around Hesleden Primary School.

We contacted the neighbourhood wardens and local PCSO to ask if they could visit the area at peak times in the mornings and afternoons to advise people parking at these locations of the potential dangers they pose, particularly to children going to and coming from the school. In addition officers from the civil parking enforcement team have confirmed that they are prepared to patrol the area around the school to enforce parking restrictions where necessary. They have issued the following comment:

We have added the area onto our enforcement request list, so civil enforcement officers will visit the area over the coming weeks and issue penalty charge notices to any vehicles seen contravening the parking restrictions in place.

We have also copied in the Major Projects Team Leader, who is responsible for the introduction of parking restrictions.

Finally, we have notified highways engineers of this problem and we’ve asked them to consider the possibility of introducing physical parking constraints and their potential impact if and when required.

The school is also aware of residents’ parking concerns at these locations and we are grateful to the headteacher for her support in seeking a working solution which would benefit parents, staff and children alike.

No one wants to see parking fines issued, but equally neither does anyone want to see our children put at risk by careless or inconsiderate parking. So please make every effort to park safely in areas that do not present a danger to children, their parents and school staff.