Thursday 26 March 2020

Blackhall Colliery Primary School

We have received queries from key worker parents over the last few days concerned at rumours that Blackhall Colliery Primary School intends to close tomorrow (Friday 27 March) leaving them without childcare arrangements.

Having made enquires with officers at county hall, and following contact with staff at the school, we have been assured that the school has no intention of closing.

Please note below the information received from the school via the education department at county hall:

Good morning Cllr Crute,

I am contacting you in response to your query regarding a possible closure of Blackhall Primary to the children of key workers tomorrow due to a lack of staff.

I have spoken to the Head Teacher who assures me that the school has, at no time, had any plans to stop providing care. She has managed her staff so that they are able to offer this, in line with other schools in County Durham. Plans are also in place to staff the school next week. The Head Teacher has also ensured that a member of the administration team has been in the school during its usual opening hours (8am-4pm) to so that any phone calls or emails can be answered and support offered to parents.  

Please be reassured that the school remains open to the identified groups of children and that the school is working hard to maintain this provision in line with government guidance.

If you have any further question, please do not hesitate to contact me or the school directly.

Best wishes,