Saturday 15 February 2020

Traffic Survey confirmed for Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery

Late last month I asked for a speed survey to be carried out at Broad Road in Blackhall Rocks (please see post dated Thursday 30 January 2020 for details). 

When that request was accepted by the police and details were published on this site I was contacted by residents in Blackhall Colliery concerned about speeding vehicles coming into the village along the A1086 from the Horden side.

I asked highways engineers and the police traffic management office at the time to consider running a speed survey at the top of Middle Street in Blackhall Colliery too. I've now received confirmation that a traffic survey is to be carried out at this location, but I’ve been told there may be a slight delay due to a backlog of requests and existing demand across the county for similar schemes.