Thursday 13 February 2020

BT Public Payphone in Middle Street

Following an audit of telephone box usage in our area British Telecom has been in touch with the council to ask its opinion on a proposal to remove the one in Middle Street, Blackhall Colliery.

Please see their correspondence below which includes details of how you can register your comments about this matter:

There has been a decline in payphone usage as a result of significant changes in communication in the UK.

As part of BT’s Universal Service Obligation it is required to provide adequate coverage of payphones within the area however, BT constantly needs to review payphone usage and on occasions to look to re-align public payphone provision more closely to the reducing demand that still exists. 

It has been identified that a payphone in your area is no longer required and could be removed.  BT has asked Durham County Council to collate any comments regarding the matter and to relay these back to BT for consideration. 

Details of the phone box in question is detailed below:

Reference Number: PRE90/20/00371

Number of Calls in last 12 months - 157

Location of Box: Telephone Box Middle Street Blackhall Colliery

BT offers to Parish Councils and registered charities the facility to adopt a kiosk, taking ownership of the kiosk for just £1 thereby protecting the heritage of the community.

In order to be taken into account, any comments should be made in writing or to the e-mail within 28 days.