Thursday 16 January 2020

Housing Issues: Selective Licensing Scheme Progress

Following the meticulous and time-consuming process of collating all the required data and building up a strong evidence base Durham County Council's cabinet agreed on Wednesday to progress the council's Selective Licensing Scheme to the public consultation stage with the intention of establishing the scheme in full later this year, subject to approval by the Secretary of State. 

This is the housing initiative I called for at a PACT meeting in Blackhall Colliery some time ago following a number of anti-social behaviour issues in the village, many of which were linked to properties in the private-rented housing sector.

For the background to this scheme, and details of how it is expected to have a positive impact on private sector housing related issues in Blackhall and other areas, please see posts dated Thursday 11 October 2018, Thursday 21 March 2019, Friday 17 May 2019 and Wednesday 25 September 2019 elsewhere on this site.

A summary of the Selective Licensing Scheme can be found in a DCC press release in the link below:


The full cabinet report and associated appendices can be found in the links below:

Selective Licensing Scheme - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services [Key Decision: REAL/05/19] 

4 Selective Licensing Evidence 2 Report
, item 4.
4 Selective Licensing Evidence 3 Appendix A - The data
, item 4.
4 Selective Licensing Evidence 4 Appendix B - Schedule 4
, item 4.
4 Selective Licensing 5 EIA

We will continue to update on progress with this scheme at each stage until its full implementation later this year. In the meantime please let the council know what you think about it by taking part in the statutory public consultation exercise which is scheduled to begin later this month.
, item 4.