Tuesday 12 November 2019

Pavement upgrades on Front Street, Hesleden

Following queries from local residents yesterday morning about ongoing road works in Front Street, Hesleden I contacted the highways section at county hall to find out the nature and extent of the works.

The response is published below in full:

Good Afternoon Cllr Crute

These are capital scheme works to resurface the footway. Please find attached a plan showing the extent of the proposed works. Our programme team has informed me that the works should take approximately 3 weeks to complete; obviously this is weather dependant.

If you need any further information don’t hesitate to contact me.

The footpath resurfacing works described above are to be carried out between the Methodist chapel and the junction with the road heading towards Hazel Drive and Sycamore Drive. 

As regular readers of this blog will know, notification of scheduled works is generally published in advance so that residents and others can make preparations if necessary. Because some seemed unaware of the works in Front Street yesterday morning I have asked for confirmation that local residents and business, particularly those in Front Street, we given advance notification.

An update will be published as soon as it is received.

Update on public notifications (Thursday 14 November):

Having enquired about residents notification letters relating to these works I have received the following response from the service:

Good Morning Cllr Crute

I have been informed by our Highway Operations team that residents of Front Street, Hesleden received a letter on the 06/11/19 informing them of the proposed footway works. I have attached a copy of the letter used by them (as follows):

Dear Sir or Madam

Various Footpath Works at Front Street, Hesleden

I wish to inform you that from the week commencing 11/11/2019 onwards Durham County Council will be carrying out footpath construction works to various sections within the proximity of your homes.  This work involves taking up the existing footpaths and some kerbing as necessary and their renewal. 

The scheme is expected to take approximately 3-4 weeks to complete and during this time I would ask for your patience and co-operation as some disruption is inevitable. I would further ask that vehicles parked to the front and sides of these properties which are affected are left elsewhere during working hours to allow space for construction plant.

Should you have any problems or concerns during the work please contact Mr Stephen Deighton on 03000269567, or contact the onsite Foreman Mark Cooper 07713193318.

If you live on Front Street and did not receive a notification letter about these works please let me know and I'll follow it up with the service.