Thursday 13 June 2019

Further damage and trespass at The Seagull

Following further complaints recently of damage and illegal trespass at the site of The Seagull at Crimdon we have again contacted the planning enforcement department at county hall to request their intervention (please see post dated Wednesday 30 January 2019 for the most recent update on this matter).

We have been assured by officers that they will contact the owners of the property with a request that they repair the building and also bring it up to a decent standard.

Please note below the comments received from the Planning enforcement team:

Thanks for the information re the above. Unfortunately, [the case officer] is going to be out of the office until the back end of this month, so in her absence I will endeavour to pick this one up and see if we can progress accordingly. Looking at the case file details, I note that [the case officer] and EH colleagues collectively managed to secure some work(s) to board up the exposed openings, but it would appear that these work(s) have been compromised again. Furthermore, [the case officer] did get in touch with the owner of the site to advise of the Council’s concerns and to ascertain their intentions for the site. However, and with reference to the file notes, it would appear that the owner has not responded.

In this respect and based on the info that you have been furnished with, we’ll try and call over to the site at our earliest opportunity to establish facts, and then I will drop you an update on Officers findings and conclusions.

We will update on progress as soon as we have a response from the service.