Wednesday 14 November 2018

Progress on plans for new public facilities at Crimdon

Earlier this year we published a couple of articles on this site about the council's plans to regenerate Crimdon, including details of a scheme to build new public facilities. Specifically we mentioned a funding bid that the council was putting together to submit to the Coastal Communities Fund (please see posts dated Monday 19 March 2018 and Thursday 26 April 2018 for full details).

Yesterday we received confirmation from the Heritage Coast Partnership that the funding bid has cleared the first hurdle:

Following the initial Heritage Coast Partnership funding application to Coastal Communities Fund Round 5 for facilities at Crimdon, the Partnership have been invited to submit a full second round business plan.

The facilities include for toilets, a café, volunteer and interpretation space. The deadline for submission is 21st January with the results known by the end of March 2019.

The partnership will now finalise a business plan to be submitted to the Coastal Communities Fund in the new year. We will keep you up to date with developments on this scheme as and when we receive further information.