Friday 19 October 2018

Resurfacing works at Monk Hesleden rescheduled for next month

Earlier this year works scheduled to resurface a section of the unclassified road between Monk Hesleden and High Hesleden were deferred to a later date (please see posts dated Friday 25 May 2018 & Thursday 31 May 2018 for background information).

We have now received notification of a temporary traffic regulation order confirming that the works have been rescheduled to take place over three days next month, beginning on Sunday 4 November 2018. Advisory road signs have been put in place over the past few days.

Please note that these works will affect a 0.5km section of unclassified highway from Monk Hesleden to a point just to the north of the Haswell to Hart walkway.

It is expected that notification letters giving full details of the works will be sent to all residents in affected areas next week. In the meantime we have reproduced below some preliminary details supplied by the assistant highways engineer:

Just a quick email to let you know that the re-surfacing works which were postponed earlier in the year have now been programmed for the 4th, 5th, & 6th November 2018 subject to any adverse weather. Advance notification signs will be going up on site shortly and the timing of the works have been agreed with the farm. Letters will go out to residents approximately 5-7 days before the start of the works. Wherever possible the works will not start until 9am each day to allow residents to leave for work/school etc.