Thursday 25 October 2018

Arrangements for Remembrance Sunday

Services will be held throughout the country on Sunday 11 November when we take the opportunity to honour the sacrifice made by many in defence of our country during two world wars and other conflicts over the years.

We will be laying wreaths on behalf of Durham County Council and the people of our communities at the Memorial in Blackhall Colliery Welfare Park and at the War Memorial in Hesleden.

Following the traditional service of remembrance wreaths will be laid in Blackhall Colliery on behalf of:
  • Durham County Council
  • Monk Hesleden Parish Council
  • Ex-Services Associations, including Blackhall Navy Club & Blackhall RAFA
  • Blackhall Air Training Corps
  • Blackhall Youth Group
  • Wellfield School
  • St Andrew's Church
There will also be an opportunity for members of the public to mark their private respects.

As in previous years we have provided funding for a buffet to be made available in Blackhall Cricket Club immediately following the service. Everyone is welcome so please come along and join us.