Wednesday 10 October 2018

Hardwick Street highway resurfacing works to go ahead later this month

Last month we reported that resurfacing works scheduled to take place in Hardwick Street, Blackhall Colliery had been postponed (please see posts dated Tuesday 28 August and Tuesday 4 September 2018 for background details).

We have now received confirmation that works have been rescheduled to take place over a five week period beginning Monday 22 October. Advisory letters will be distributed to residents in affected properties either later this week or early next.

We have also asked for clarification on the timing and extent of the works, and for additional information about refuse collections and on street parking for residents during this period.

We have received the following comments from the highways engineer in response:

Regarding the above, the works are currently programmed to start on site on 22nd October, the construction manager will be delivering notification letters and displaying the road closure notices on site either later this week or early next week, the work should be carried out in short sections to reduce the disruption to residents and to keep the closed section of road as short as possible at any one time.

Previously on schemes such as this the site operatives have assisted residents with refuse collection etc. and I’m sure this will be the case on this job, mail delivery should not be affected as the post man should still be able to access the street on foot and any delivery drivers should still be able to get relatively close to properties depending upon the location of the closure, as there will only be short sections of the road closed residents should still be
able to park within the street, as is the case wherever we work we will try to keep disruption to a minimum for the residents.