Friday 6 April 2018

Wellfield Road temporary closure

Advance notification has been received from the county council about the temporary closure of Wellfield Road on the terms set out below.

C135 Wellfield Road, Wingate

Temporary Road Closure

An Order is being made under the provisions of Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 the effect of which will be to close to vehicular traffic, from  or after Monday 16 April 2018, a 55 metre length of Wellfield Road that extends eastwards from its junction with The Maltings to Railway Cottages at the eastern side of the bridge over the Haswell-Hart Countryside Walk, Wingate.

The closure is necessary to enable kerbing and carriageway resurfacing to be undertaken which will probably take some 3 days within a 4 week works programme to complete to be carried out to that length of road.

(The closure is currently anticipated for 2 – 4 May 2018.)

Throughout the period of closure an alternative route will be available to vehicular traffic from the western side of the closure from Wellfield Road northerly on B1280 Salter’s Lane then via the access road onto A181 eastwards to the turning circle at Castle Eden then westwards to the access to Wellfield Road to the eastern side of the closure, and vice versa.

Yours faithfully

Regeneration and Local Services

Network Management