Monday 16 April 2018

Highway resurfacing for Middle Street and Hardwick Street

Following the recent update on the highways resurfacing schedule for Eighth Street in Blackhall Colliery (please see post dated Tuesday 3 April 2018 for details) we asked highways engineers to reassess the condition of the road surfaces at both Hardwick Street and Middle Street. 

We have now had confirmation that resurfacing works will be carried out during the current works programme on the terms shown below:

We assessed both Hardwick Street and Middle Street on Wednesday this week. Based on their current condition we will add both locations to the 18/19 resurfacing programme.

We are proposing to resurface the entire length of Hardwick Street and the worst section, in terms of condition, of Middle Street. From an initial inspection this appeared to be from the junction of Eighth Street then travelling south.