Thursday 29 March 2018

Update on East Street streetlighting outage

The following update from the streetlighting engineers has been received. This relates to streetlighting problems on East Street, Blackhall Colliery (please see post dated Wednesday 28 March 2018 for details).

Cllr Crute
I have just spoken to Freedom who are working on behalf of Northern Power Grid.
They are on site now (Thursday evening) and have explained to me they will be complete tomorrow (Friday).
We will now not need the temporary measure I suggested as it will be complete permenantly. 
I will send a DCC Electrician tomorrow to ensure all is back on for the weekend.
The Northern Power Grid and freedom are now coming into DCC headquarters for a meeting to discuss how this has happened and to stop this happening again. 
I will let you know the outcome 
Kind Regards